Deirdre Condit

Deirdre Condit, Ph.D.

Associate Professor

(804) 827-0777

827 West Franklin Street, Founder's Hall, Room 213


Gender Identity

Reproductive Technologies

Complexity Theory



  • Ph.D., Political Science, Rutgers University 
  • M.A., Political Science, Rutgers University
  • 76 graduate hours in Political Science, Portland State University
  • Bachelor’s degree, Idaho State

Research Interests

  • Women and politics
  • The politics of reproductive and genetic technologies
  • Maternal political theory
  • Sex and gender identity
  • The nexus between complexity theory and trans-corporealit

Selected Publications

  • “Being There Matters: Redefining the Model Public Servant in Virginia,” with Janet Hutchinson, Public Administration Review, January/February 2009, vol. 69, No1, 29-39.  Reprinted in, Serving the Public Interest:  Profiles of Successful and Innovative Public Servants, Norma Riccucci, ed. M. E. Sharpe, 2012.
  • “Androgenesis and Mothering Human Identity,” in Mothering at the 21st Century: Identity, Policy, Experience and Agency, Andrea O’Reilly, ed. Columbia University Press, spring 2010.
  • “Lay Understandings of Sex/Gender and Genetics: A Method Preserving Polyvocal Coder Input,” with Celeste Condit, Enid Sefcovic, Carolina Acosta-Alzuru, Sonja Brown-Givens, Cindy Dietz, and Roxanne Parrot, Sex Roles, October, 2003.
  • “Human Equality, Affirmative Action, and Genetic Models of Human Variation,” with Celeste Condit and Paul J. Achter, Rhetoric and Public Affairs, Volume 4, #1, Spring, 2001.