
The political science advising office advises undergraduate students in the political science major and students minoring in political science, nonprofit management and administration, and public management.

The advising office assists students with:

  • Curriculum and career planning
  • Processing of university forms
  • Appeals
  • Letter requests
  • Graduation applications

We also consult students throughout the university interested in political science coursework. Additionally, we review and approve political science curriculum for B.I.S. focus areas and study abroad course equivalencies.

Advising Appointments

Policies and Procedures

The Political Science Department processes course overrides only with the permission of the instructor teaching the course. Instructors grant overrides at their discretion, and as an additional service to our students. Common reasons for requests are overriding enrollment capacity or prerequisites for a particular course.

To initiate an override request, please contact the instructor scheduled to teach the course (emails are usually preferred). If you receive permission, please forward any documents granting permission (such as an email) as well as your name and V-number to

We cannot process overrides for courses without assigned instructors. Once a course is assigned an instructor we will process instructor-approved override requests.