Why study political science?

Tackle the big questions about your community, your country and the world.

Political science is the study of governance and power: who has it, who seeks it, how and why some are excluded from it.

Did you know?

The economic value of a political science degree is among the highest of all undergraduate majors. Political Science ranks 13th out of 83 majors in median lifetime earnings, and ranks 2nd in the social sciences in median annual salary.

Political Science at VCU

Our B.A. in Political Science is designed to provide a foundation in knowledge of politics and government, and to train students how to conduct research.

Learn more about VCU Political Science and careers opportunities for political scientists.  


The VCU-Davis Center Non-Resident Academic Associates (VCU-DC NRAA) program launched July 1 and provides its fellows with virtual access to a variety of VCU’s information resources and librarian liaison services. (File photo)

July 17, 2024

VCU partners with Harvard to provide scholars in Ukraine with an academic lifeline

The new program, which is hosting nine fellows in its first cohort, provides essential access to resources amid the disruption of war, VCU co-organizer says.

Since 2006, more than 90 VCU students and alumni have received Fulbright awards, including five this year. (File photo)

May 20, 2024

Five recent VCU graduates receive Fulbright awards for the 2024-25 academic year

In earning one the country’s top academic honors, they push VCU’s total to near 100 since establishment of its National Scholarship Office.

May 15, 2024

Graduation Scenes

Images from some of VCU’s many events celebrating the spring class of 2024.

Political Science Spotlight